The Protocol That Kills — Preview Edition

The most exhaustive exposé ever written on a government-incentivized protocol that kills.

Below is a Preview Edition of 50 pages of the 438-page The Protocol That Kills true crime story. The preview contains . . .

  • Title and Copyright page
  • Dedication, Foreword and Preface
  • Table of Contents
  • Chapters 1, 2, and part of Chapter 3
  • Appendix A – Key Facts (4 of 12 pages)
  • Appendix B – Medical Expert Testimony
  • Appendix C – 8 of the 50+ hospital record exhibits
  • Appendix D – Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19

To view the document in full-screen mode, click on the Pop-out icon in the top right-hand corner. The preview edition will open in a new browser tab in full-screen mode. If you are using a smartphone, turn your phone to landscape mode (sideways) to get a wider view with larger text. If you wish to download a copy, click the “Download File” button below. See the promo video here.

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Why an Over 430-Page Exposé?

We are frequently asked why we decided to publish an over 430-page, 8-1/2 by 11 book vs. a brief discussion of the topic. We made this choice for the following reasons.

To begin, our target audience is those who want to read an exhaustive exposé of “the protocol that kills” so they might gain a detailed understanding of how this protocol has taken and continues to take the lives of hundreds of Americans. As they say, the devil is in the details.

Second, those who believe no one in the medical profession would ever intentionally harm them need to wake up to the fact many doctors are forcing patients to follow a protocol that kills. The details provided in this book will dispel that doubt.

Third, the Legal Counsel Statements, extensive dialog, expert medical witness testimony (in Appendix B), 50+ notated hospital records (in Appendix C), and follow on appendices, provide “the story behind the story” that you, the reader, need to see if you want to truly understand the depth of this evil and how cunning those who promote “the protocol that kills” truly are.

Finally, if this insanity is allowed to continue, thousands more will needlessly die—and as Peggy Lawler, a medical/surgical nurse with 26 years’ experience, stated in the “Foreward,” it is our hope that the story told in this book “will result in an outcry so strong and so loud that ‘the protocol that kills’ will be stopped for good and that patients and their families will once again be treated with respect, dignity, and therapies that prolong their lives rather than end them.

We invite you to join us in looking evil square in the eye as you read a book that will astound you with the depth of its revelations while providing you with invaluable insights that will aid you in making wise choices that just may save your life. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

You Can Read the Book in Four Ways

If you find the book’s length and level of detail intimidating, you may find that reading it using one of the four methods below will make it more enjoyable to read.

  1. As a true crime docudrama—by reading only the story and dialog, skipping the Legal Counsel Statements and ignoring the nine appendices at the end of the book.

  2. As a legal brief—by primarily reading the over 130 Legal Counsel Statements (that provide key forensic evidence) which include over one hundred citations from clinical studies, medical journals, federal regulations, and relevant books and articles.

  3. As a body of evidence—by reading only the appendices, which cover:
    • 12 pages of incriminating Key Facts that would be presented to a court
    • The detailed analysis of the medical expert witness
    • Over 50 notated excerpts from the hospital records
    • An article on hospital’s incentive payments
    • A section of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations
    • Data on a University of Oxford Study on Budesonide
    • A list of questionable drugs and dosages administered during a 3-day period
    • Darkness exposed by a conversation with a respiratory therapist
    • Evidence of the falsification of the hospital’s consent forms
  4. As a complete day-by-day chronological story of the 40 days Sheila and her husband struggled with doctors, therapists, nurses, and hospital staff—by reading one day of the story each day. Within 40 days, you will have read the full spellbinding and insightful true crime story along with the essential Legal Counsel Statements that give “the story behind the story” so you will know what was really happening (behind the scenes) on a day-by-day basis.